Happy Mothers Day

My mom is special to me because she cares about me.

My mom is special to me because she loves me.

My mom is special to me because she give good information.

My mom is special me because she helps me at homework.

My mom is special to me because she always doses the right thing.

My mom is special to me because he always knows the right thing to say.

My mom is special to me because the enjoys having fun with me.

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Row Your Site

The king cobra is about 12 to 18 feet long. The venom paralyzes the victim. The king cobra can lay 20 to 40 eggs.  People are moving to different homes to get away from them. People would follow the snake in a game. This information comes from  facts4me.com.


image from facts 4 me .com

People cannot breath on Saturn. It has no air people needs air to breath Saturn is made up of gases are helium and hydrogen. These gases are harmful to people.


Erosion is soil being washed away by different types of weather. Erosion can make ditches like in my picture. These ditches are on a hill behind the school.